Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Should Parents Be Allowed To Hit Their Children??

Should parents be allowed to hit their children? Why? I think parents should be able to hit their children but their should be a limit to how you hit them and what you hit them with. Three reasons why parents should be allowed to hit their children is to show discipline/ control, limitations on how far you should go, and to show who is boss.

My first reason why I think parents should hit their children because of control. When parents use control they show who is boss. Also it keeps them out of trouble.

My second reason why parents should hit their children but I do not think you should go past the hitting with the hand and the belt. I think if you go further than that, then that is abuse.

My last reason why you should beat your kids because you should not be able to go to far with hurting your child. Such as a bat/ stick, and a cord. In a book that I am reading “Huckleberry Finn”. Jim’s father hits him and cursed at him, which was to me on the boarder line of beating you child vs. abusing your child.

In conclusion this is why I think parents should be able to beat their children because it is to show who is boss and it show discipline.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Do You Think Huck Finn Should Be In CHS????

Do you think Huck Finn should be taught in CHS? I don’t think Huck Finn should be taught in CHS for three reasons. Three reasons why I think Huck Finn should not be taught in CHS because he is very disrespectful and has no home training. He uses poor language, and he sets and bad example.

Huck Finn is a very disrespectful boy who has no home training. Huck Finn smokes, drinks, sneaks out of the house, and does what he wants when he wants. For example in the book, Miss Watson who was a character in the story Huckleberry Finn who was a foster parent of Huck Finn had to keep saying “don’t put your feet up there Huckleberry”, “Don’t scrunch up like that Huckleberry-set up straight”, “and don’t gap and stretch like that”. Miss Watson had to keep repeating herself as if Huck Finn was a child.

Another reason why Huck Finn should not be taught at CHS is because of his language. In this book there is a lot of usage of the “N” word. For example “By and by they fetched the nigger in and had players”.

My last reason why Huck Finn should not be taught in CHs is because this book sets a bad example. This book deals with a lot of bad language. One example from he story is in one chapter of the book it says” Niggers would come from all around there and give Jim anything.

In conclusion, this is why I think that Huck Finn should not be taught in CHS because of the fact that he is disrespectful, has poor language, and sets a very bad example for CHS students. After reading my reading my essay do you still think that Huck Finn should be taught in CHS? Why?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Famous Scientist Wanted

Edwin Powell Hubble
November 29,1889-Septmber28, 1953
Marshfield, Missouri

6. Edwin Hubble worked the Mount Wilson Observatory In California where he took many photographs Cepheid variables.

7. In 1898 Edwin and his family moved to Chicago, where Edwin attended high school.

. When he went to Oxford University, Hubble continued to excel in sports such as basketball and boxing. Hubble also found time to study and earn undergraduate degree in mathematics and astronomy.

. Edwin went to Oxford University on a Rhodes scholarship where he did not continue his studies in astronomy, but instead studied law.

. In1913 Hubble set up a small practice in Louisville, Kentucky, but it did not take long for Hubble to realize he was not happy as a lawyer. And that his real passion was astronomy so he started studying at the Yerkes Observatory.

. In 1917 Hubble received a doctorate in astronomy from the University Of Chicago.

9. Www.

. www.david darling. Info

Brittany Chapman

Philosophy of Government 1

Should a videogame that deals with shooting and killing people be legal? I believe government is necessary in a society because we need a system to make and enforce laws for the country. I believe we have the freedom of speech and the right to do what we want but only to a certain point. The Grand Auto Theft incident video games is a game in which you could decapitate police officers, kill them with a sniper rifle, massacre them with a chainsaw, and set them on fire. Two weeks ago, a multi-million dollar lawsuit was filed in Alabama against the makers and marketers of Grand Theft Auto, claiming that months of playing the game led a teenager to go on a rampage and kill three men two of them police officers.
In the Grand Theft Auto incident that I just mentioned, I don’t think it would be fair to punish the majority who can handle playing violent video games without killing. I think it has gone to far because of the fact that people are killing each other and they are blaming it on a game. I do not think if you play this game then you just start going out and killing people. I think that if someone goes out and kills someone then they already had there mind set to kill them, its not because the game to told them to do it. If I had to pick between Hobbes and Locke I think I will pick Locke. I chose Locke because Locke believed that before society was organized, humans lived in a state of equality and freedom rather than a state of war. Locke also believed that in this state of nature, humans had certain natural rights- rights with which they were born. These included rights to life, liberty, and property. I think personal freedom is more important than equality.
I think I agree more with Locke more than Hobbes because Locke seemed to me more of a better person. Locke was not an advocate of democracy, but his ideas proved important to both Americans and French in the eighteenth century. These ideas were used to support demands for constitutional government, the rule of law, and the protection of rights. I do not think that we are naturally good and cooperative, as Locke would suggest. I also think that we tend to be selfish, nasty, and brutish according to Hobbes.
Take for example, the Jena 6 incident, in which two black students sat under the “white tree” at Jena High School. The next day, white students hung three nooses from the tree. The noose-hangers got a three-day suspension. Several incidents of violence and threats against went unpunished. But when a white student got beaten up after taunting a black victim of violence, everything changed. Charges were filed against the black boys and they were sent to prison as adults, while the white students only got a three-day suspension.
I think society does benefit most from self- interest because all they are dong is caring for there needs and there wants, and they only care about there own needs and desires.
I think we should have limitations because if we were free to do what we want then we would be totally out of control. I think equality is more important than freedom because when you have freedom people take it for granted. And with equality everybody gets treated the same. This is why I think government is necessary.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Philosophy of Government letter

Dear reader,

I chose this essay because I feel that my Philosophy of Government has a great introudution and a great body.I have details,explanantions,and,and transitions.I hope you enjoy reading my Philosophy of Goverment essay.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


A. What is happening in the photograph? In the photograph a group of friends are sitting down eatting at a resturant.

B. What were the people feeling and thinking at the time? The people were feeling good and have fun and they were just thinking of what a good time they are having.

C. Why was the photograph taken? The photograph was taken because they were having a good time and they wanted to take a photo to remember the moment.

D. What title would you give the photograph? The title would be "me and my family at lunch".

Philosophy of Government 2

Based on the simulations I think freedom is more important than security. In the ideal society I wanted the ichip to be banned because I believe that ichips should not be placed in anyone’s head. I believe that is a violation of someone’s privacy. The Constitution does/effectively balance freedom of individuals with security of the individuals because during the ideal Society tracking Americans was made illegal, A bill was passed that banned the ichip, and citizens was protesting.

Tracking Americans was made illegal because that is a violation of someone’s privacy. The powers that are described in the Constitution are in the Fourth Amendment. To achieve the goal, actions was taken and a bill was written stating that “thou shall not be able to create a mechanical device to track or listen to anyone’s thoughts. If anyone would like to get this ichip it will be at there own risk of their privacy being invaded and that apple can only use the ichip for accessing computers and any other mechanical device”. The president agreed with Congress and signed the bill into law.

A bill was passed that banned the ichip. A Power that was described in the Constitution was Article 1. To achieve the goal the actions taken was that the President did not implement law, and a press conference was called. The President signs the bill.

Citizens were protesting that the ichip should be banned. To achieve the goal the actions taken was the ichip was no longer used as a tracking device. The Tracking device was completely turned off by the Apple Co. The bill went through congress and the President signed the bill.

The Constitution was effectively protect individual liberties because during the ideal Society tracking Americans was made illegal, Bill was passed that banned the ichip, and citizens was protesting.

Most Important Subject

What do you think is the most important subject? Why do you think this is the most important subject? I think the most important subject is the constitution. This is the most important subject to me for several reasons. I like learning about the constitution/social studies and things that have happened in the past. I think learning about stuff that has happened in the past is very important. The constitution class is so important because we live in a country with so much interesting facts. My last reason why the constitution class is so important, because, we go to the Constitution High School. The Constitution High School is a college preparation school that prepares you for college and that help you learn about historical events and this school prepares you if you want to be a lawyer, teacher (social studies), police officer and etc. This is why I think the Constitution class is the most important subject.