Friday, May 1, 2009

Of Mice and Men/Symbols

In the Of Mice and Men book there were a lot of symbols that represented many different things to some of the characters in the book. Symbols are described as objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. In the book there were many symbols that were not hard to find if you read the book. There were three symbols that stuck out to me. The three symbols are George and Lennie's farm, Lennie's puppy, and Candy's dog.

The first symbol was George and Lennie's farm that they had dreamed about through the entire book. The farm is the first symbol in the book that George and Lenny both dream of together. The farm that George and constantly describes to Lenny, which is "those few acres of land on which they will grow their own food and tend their own livestock, and George promises Lenny that he will be able to tend the rabbits which really makes him happy. The men dream of this farm because it somehow gives them hope one day they will be free and they will have there own one day. The farms represents a paradise for men who want to be masters of their own lives, the farm represents the possibility of freedom, self-reliance, and protection from the cruelties of the world.

The second symbol is Lenny's puppy. Lennie's puppy somehow represents new dreams, a new beginning, and even a new start for him and George. Lenny accidentally kills the puppy in the book as he has killed many mice in the past. After killing this puppy it seem as if all his dreams and his new start and beginning has just died as well.

The final symbol is Candy's dog.Candy's dog represents the fate awaiting anyone who has outlived his or her purpose. Candy is an old handyman, aging and left with only one hand which is is a result of an accident that he had recently in life, Candy is the only man on the ranch that worries that the boss will soon declare him useless and demand that he leave the ranch. Of course, life on the ranch especially Candy's dog, once an impressive sheep herder but now toothless, foul-smelling, and brittle with age supports Candy's fears. Past accomplishments and current emotional ties matter little, as Carson makes clear when he insists that Candy let him put the dog out of its misery. In such a world, Candy's dog serves as a harsh reminder of the fate that awaits anyone who outlives his usefulness. This dog represents death, and old dreams, I think that they should just leave him and let him go even though he will be missed a lot.

These are the three symbols that stuck out the most to me in this Of Mice and Men book. These symbols represents many different things and I am sure there are many more that I didn't talk about.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Of Mice and Men- Beyond the line

Do you think mentally challenged people such as Lenny had the same opportunities like they have today? Why?

No, I don't think that mentally challenged/disabled people such as Lenny had the same opportunities like the challenged people today. Lenny was a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, draping his feet a little, they sometimes even dragged like a bear draping his paws. Lenny had a also had the mind set of a small child but back then there was not much if anything he could do about his condition, he basically had to live with what was given to him.

Today mentally challenged people have a chance of living a "normal life". In this day and time mentally challenged have many different opportunities. There are different medicines, new technology and equipment, job opportunities, cures for almost anything and even studies that have been performed on why people are the way they are.

Back in the early 190's there was not any of the equipment we have today for the mentally challenged people. Today people are treated with illnesses fairly and they are treated with respect, and they are even treated like they are one of us which they are but they are just different in certain ways. In the book Of Mice And Men Lenny had to work and fend for himself but today people have programs to help them with there condition, and some of them get monthly checks because of the illness that they are dealing with and they cannot work.

Lenny represents children in this book, he has the mindset of a 5 or 6 year old so how would you expect a "child" to work under the condition he is faced with? Even though they want to be treated normal, certain stuff they are just not capable of doing.

These are some of the reason why I think that mentally challenged people such as Lenny did not have the same opportunities that people have today.

Of Mice and Men/between the line-Conflict

What was the conflict between George and Lenny shared?

From Lenny's perspective, George is the most important person in his life, his guardian and his only friend. Every time he does anything that he knows is wrong, his first thought is of George disapproval. George thinks of Lenny as a constant source of frustration. He has assumed responsibility for Lenny's welfare and has had to run several times because of the trouble Lenny has caused. Life without Lenny is not easy, however despite George's frequent bouts of anger and frustration. His long speeches about how much easier life would be without Lenny. George is clearly devoted to his friend. George and Lenny seem to always be in trouble because of Lenny and his stupid mistakes like killing the puppy and Curley's wife but they always seem to get out of there mess somehow.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Of Mice And Men – Between the line/character

1. In detail explain the two main characters?

Lenny and George was completely opposite from one another but nobody could every break these two apart George is small, wiry, and sharp featured while his compassion, Lennie is large and awkward. George is quick and dark of face with restless eyes and sharp strong features. Every part of him is defined as just small. Small hands, slender arms, and thin nose. Lenny was considered a huge man, shapeless of face, with large pale eyes, with wide sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet little, the way a bear drags his paws. His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely. They may be different in personality and in outside appearance but they have so much love for one another and they look out for one another no matter what.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Personality Project

1. good listeners
2.Career possibility- run there own business(military or police officer)
3.Famous faces- Martin Luther King Jr.
4.Symbol- beaver

1.Symbol- beaver
2. Pretty independent people
3.Famous Faces- Bill Clinton
5.Career possibility-military

1.Famous faces- Oprah, Princess Diana
2.creative and sensitive
4.Symbol- golden retriever
5.Career possibility-teacher, social worker, etc

1.Famous faces- Thomas Jefferson, John Adams possibility- project manager, investment brokers
3.self contained

Extroverts vs. Introverts
1.extroverts make up 60 to 70 percent of the society
2.introverts make up only 20 to 30 percent of the society
3.introverts get their energy from themselves and are drained by people
4.extroverts feel the most energized through interactions with others and feel drained or down when they are alone

What did you learn about yourself from this project? what did you learn about others? I learned a lot about myself during this project. I found out that some of the famous faces I am like are Oprah, Princess Diana, Mary which is the mother of Jesus, and etc. I found out some of my job possibilities, my love life, my personal success and etc. Doing this project really helped me learn a lot more about who I am as a person.

In schooling, should students be grouped homogeneously (same personality, backgrounds, skills) or heterogeneously (different personalities, abilities, cultures)? Why? I think that in school students should be grouped heterogeneously because they can learn a lot of things they did not know and they can also get to know other people who may not act like them and you can learn many different things that way.

Monday, April 13, 2009



Personality is the made up characteristics patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that make a person unique. Personality arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life. The complex of the attributes- behavioral, temperamental, emotional, and mental that characterize a unique individual.

Personality affects many people around the world today; it also makes people react in many different ways. It can make people react either in a positive or negative way, people will either draw to one another because of a good thing or draw away because of a bad thing meaning that it will affect some people. INFP’s are considered to be healer/idealist, which is what I am considered. The definition of a healer/idealist is someone guided more by ideals than by practical considerations and they have a very high capacity for caring. They tend to have a calm and pleasant face to the world and have a high sense of honor derived from internal values.

Healers present a calm and serene face to the world, and can seem shy, even distant around others, but inside they are anything serene, having capacity for personal caring rarely found in other types. INFP’s are creative, and have sensitive souls who take their lives very seriously. They seek harmony and authenticity in their relationships with others. They happen to value creativity, spirituality, and honoring the individual self above all else. They are very tuned into inequality and unfairness against people, and get great satisfaction from conquering such in injustices.

An INFP is a perfectionist who will rarely allow himself or herself to feel successful, although they will be keenly aware of failures. INFP’s also get satisfaction from being in touch with their creativity, For the INFP personal success depends upon the condition of their closet relationships, the development of their creative abilities, and the continual support of humanity by people serving in need, fighting against injustice, or in some other way working to make the world a better place to be. INFP’s also present a calm, pleasant face to the world, they appear to be tranquil and peaceful to others, with simple desires. They internally feel their life intensely, but in the relationship arena, this causes them to have a very deep capacity for love and caring which in not frequently found with such intensity in the other types.

An INFP strengths are; warmly concerned and caring toward others, sensitive and perceptive about what others are feeling, royal and committed, want lifelong relationships, deep capacity for love and caring, driven to meet others needs, strive for "win- win" situation, nurturing supportive, and encouraging, likely to recognize and appreciate others for space, able to express themselves well, and flexible and diverse. In this particular case the bad out ways the good. Some of there weaknesses are: may tend to by shy and reserved, don’t like to have their "space" invaded, extreme dislike of conflict, extreme dislike of criticism, strong need to receive praise of positive affirmation, may react emotionally to stressful situations, have difficulty leaving a bad relationship, have difficulty scolding or punishing others, tend to be reserved about expressing their feelings, perfectionist tendencies may cause them to not give themselves enough credit, and they have a tendency to blame themselves fro problems, and they tend to hold everything on their own shoulders.

Idealist is relatively rare, making up no more than 15 to 20 percent of the population. But their ability it inspire people with enthusiasm and there idealism that has given them influence for beyond their numbers. The subcategories for Healers/Idealist are broken into two categories. The first group is advocates, under advocates and Champions (ENFP), and Healers, which are (INPP). The second is Mentors and under that, they are considered counselors (INFJ) and teachers (ENFJ).

The learning skills of an INFP are: like general concepts and original or complex material. seek patterns among seemingly unrelated events and ideas, value artistic expression and the written word, say they spend up to nine hours a week in serious non-required reading, and want instructors to arouse enthusiasm for learning. During reading, writing, and studying INFP’s need quiet to study or do serious work, may be surprised in college because they did not have to study to achieve good grades in high school, usually interested in literature, write best from inner inspiration, drawing ideas from diverse sources and showing conceptual link, and also when revising, they may need to shorten sentences overly complex ideas to get to the point quicker, and provide factual dates to illustrate points.

INFP’s prefer occupations in which they can be involved in making the world better. Having there heart in there is important to them. These occupations also allow for an element of creativity and flexibility. INFP’s are particulary interested to be a counselor, editor. education counsaltant, English tacher, fine arts teacher, journalist, psychologist, religious teacher, social scientist, social worker, teacher, writer, amd other occupations that engage their values. Famous INFP's are Oprah Winfrey, Princess Diana, Eleanor Rossevelt and some fictional INFP's are Tommy(Rug Rat cartoon), and Mary which s the mother of Jesus. The symbol for this particular type is a golden retriever.

A golden retirever is a sturdy well proportioned dog with a feathered, medium- length, cream to golden colored coat. A golden retriever is a loving well mannered intelligent dogs with a great charm. They always are loyal, confident, patient dogs and they are sweet and eager to please dogs. This dog is friendly with everyone and it needs to be around people who display leadership to be happy. There are four compatible personalities, the three best matches are ENFJ- social philosophers, ENJP- growth teachers, INFJ-mystic writers, and last but not least INFP-idealistic philosophers.

For INFP's if they want to win the heart for there ideal mate they must, keep the conversation warm, personal, and conflict free, be wary of violating their deeply held values, engage them in conversation and take them on dates that revolve around arts, relationships, psychoogy, and finding the meaning of life, and also being considerate of need to spend, intimate time with someone. Although two well developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship. INFP's natural partner is the ENFJ or the ESFJ. INFP's dominant function of Introverted feeling is best matched with a partner whose dominant function is Extraverted feeling. INFP's and ESFJ's are also good matches and two conflicting personalities are Guardians and Artisians.

INFP's look at love as a very deep committment and one that is not easily attained. They have ideals and therefore reality may be carefully scrutinized. With there ideal firmly envisioned, the first date with that special person is carefully planned and prepared for, and often every aesthetic thing is taken care of. The flowers are in place, the right wine is ordered, and the proper meal is prepared. INFP's may have difficulty sharing their feelings about others. They keep so many of there feelings inside that they tend to forget to telll there partner how much they love and appreciate them. Also when things go wrong in a relationship, the INFP takes it to heart but does not readily discuss it with others. They may not be willing to communicate to let others know how they are feeling. When scorned, they are very hurt and tend to overreact.

INFP's are usually very intense and sensitive people, and feel seriously threatened by criticism. They are likely to treat any point of view other than there own as criticism of their own perspective. If the INFP does not learn how to deal with this perceived criticism, the INFP will begin to shut out the incoming information that causes them pain. Leisure activities are very important to INFP's but at times it is difficult for them to seperate work from play. When a new pursuit is found, INFP's typically do a great deal of research. They may read many books and make several phone calls to dig for information. Many of the INFP's leisure activities are done alone- reading, listening to music, and gardening are some activities likely to appeal to them.

Reflection time and the opportunity to make sure things are right are important. INFP's often enjoy leisure pursuits with loved ones as well. When they want to be socialble , they can be exceedingly charming and outgoing. Their flexibility, gentleness, and sense of humor can make them quiet popular in social situations.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

personality quiz

I am a ENFP. The Keirsey description says that I am a champion. Champions are rather rare, they consider intense emotional experiences as being vital to full life. Champion have a wide range and variety of emotions, and a great passion for novelty. And they also see life as an exciting drama, pregnant with possibilities for both good and evil, and they want to experience all the meaningful events and fascinating people in the world. The Butt and Heiss said I am a General: ENFPs are both "idea"-people and "people"-people, who see everyone and everything as part of an often bizarre cosmic whole. They want to both help (at least, their own definition of "help") and be liked and admired by other people, on bo th an individual and a humanitarian level. They are interested in new ideas on principle, but ultimately discard most of them for one reason or another. Five personalities traits common to my type is Social, have a silly switch, friendly, serious, and childlike. Three famous people that share my type are Bill Cosby, Oprah, and Steve Irkle. Three careers that are good for my type are psychology, fashion merchandising, and education. Yes I agree with the results, the results sound alot like me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Civil War Essay


The Civil was the greatest war in American History. More than three million soldiers had fought in this war, and more than 600,00 men had paid the ultimate price for freedom. This war had been a war for freedom and equal rights and the desire for freedom traveled deeper than the color of your skin and farther than the borders of any state ( The Union and Confederate armies were both made up of mostly poor farmers. The Civil War Had killed more Americans than any other war. While both sides fought the Civil War for more than four years over the issue of slavery, the North fought for moral reasons while the South fought to preserve its own institution. Some men on both sides eagerly signed up to fight for money, adventure, or glory. Others needed more patriotic reasons to fight.

Union soldiers were fighting to keep the United States together as one country. Confederate soldiers wanted to leave the Union and were fighting to control their own way of life. We can see this by how women experienced the war back in 1861.

Most women had been affected by the war in many different ways. Some women had found the effort of working for many different organizations, including the Ladies Hospital Aid Society, the Union Volunteer Refreshment Salon, and the United States Christian Commission. Other women had performed various activities on a more personal level, such as sewing individual items to be shipped to soldiers that they knew. ( There efforts certainly had attest to the idea that women fought the war in their own ways on the home front and in doing so had played a tremendous and crucial role in helping the war effort. It became clear that there was a typically a distinction between women who had family members or loved ones fighting or working for the government in Washington and those who didn't. The women who had wrote to a brother, husband, or son more likely participated in some ways were more likely to feel the need to contribute them, even if that had meant sewing a simple garment and sending it to soldiers they knew. Those who did not mention the war service of a family member, however, had less of a tendency to do something for the war effort, and if they wrote of the war at all it often consisted of war news culled from local newspapers and gossip and their local areas.

In addition, women had even went as far as to be spies and soldiers for both sides of the war. Knowing that women were not able by law to enlist as soldiers, some disguised themselves as men and served in both the Union and Confederate Armies. Many women who had did this were able to avoid getting caught, and served until either getting wounded or until the War’s ended. Other women had decided that if they would become spies was the best way to serve, and there were dozens of Southern, female spies in Washington DC, as well as one Northerner being in the Confederate White House.
These conclusions are based on the assumption that if women knew a man involved in the war she would mention him in her letters or diaries. There are undoubtedly some exceptions to this rule: women may have deemed her letters or her journal an inappropriate place for that type of personal

Information or may have been so deeply concerned for her loved one that she could not write about it. With that caveat, the majority of women probably did make at least a passing reference to the military service of their friends or relations if they were apart of their experience of the war.

In a document a man named Christian Expertly wrote a letter to his wife Mary and he basically talked about how he was doing, where he was staying, how everything just seemed so desolate, and he also explained how the food was and how much they were getting, and he describes his despair about the Southern cause in the letter. Also, in the letter the soldiers wrote what they were feeling and what was on their minds. Their wives and relatives had done the same. They went to make sure those there family members were alive, safe, and doing well where ever they were. In some women's writings they were pertaining to the war effort in many ways, either through their personal efforts or their notes on local news and gossip.

In another document written by Georgiana Tillotson to her father written on July 31, 1864 she talks to her father about life and what was going on and everything that was on her mind and what she was going through so he could still feel apart of the family even though he was away in the war. She also explains to her brother about how her and her other relatives are sick and how the weather is "very warm and dry". In these letters women and even young girls expressed their feelings and talked about everything that was going on because they never knew if there loved one would ever return home to see them again.

Many soldiers who were wounded on the battlefield died where they fell. This was very hard on many families because they did not know what to expect. Soldiers who were rescued often faced a grim fate in the hands of military doctors (Hart 125). In the 1860's medical care and knowledge was limited. Doctors did not r have a lot of the resources like some of the doctors do today. Doctors did not have the knowledge to treat many diseases and they did not even understand the causes of infection and the need for sanitary procedures in surgery.

In conclusion, the war officially ended in 1865, slaves in the South had now become free. The Civil War had lasted for 4 long years. Women had now been able to reunite with there loved ones after and long and bloody war. Over 600,000 had paid the ultimate price for their country and the ultimate price for freedom.

Is the uniform policy being applied fairly?

“I think we should be able to wear whatever we want”. “Everyone should be checked for the proper uniform and there should be no favoritism shown says two 10th grade students and Constitution High School. This is what teachers, the principal, and the Dean of Students here all day, everyday.

As of 2008 the uniform policy was enforced once again for the second time. As of now it is collar shirts, jeans with no holes or shavings, slacks, with your choice of sneakers or shoes as long as your feet are not exposed.

Is the uniform policy being applied fairly at Constitution High School? This was the question that was asked to 9th, 10th and even the principal and the Dean of Students. When Dr. Davidson was asked “Do you feel as if you are being 100% fair with the uniform policy”. He said, “ I believe we are 100% consistent in this application”! Dr Davidson thinks that there are several reasons: 1. “In our busy roles; we don’t see everything”. 2. There are staff members who would rather focus on instruction and not damage a good relationship with pupils, hence something are left ignored” 3. Sometimes there is more pressing matters to attend, to stop everything and deal with a dress attire issue”.

So when there is no pressing matters to attend to, then what about that one good student with straight A’s and perfect attendance walks in with one small shaving? This was the question that was left unanswered. Like the 10th grade student Thomas who had got in trouble once for having a small shaving on his jeans. He thinks that the uniform policy is unfair because he says he sees people walking down the hallway with “no collar shirts, and they having shavings on their jeans”. Thomas believes that students should be able to “wear whatever we want”.

Elizabeth who is a 10th grade believes that the uniform policy is fair. She thinks, “We are treated like young adults”. And she thinks “there is nothing wrong with the uniform”. When interviewed she said, “Yeah, we wear what we want to a certain extent, we just cannot go overboard”.

Dwayne Alexander who is a 10th grader recently interviewed Ms. Morson who is the Dean of Students. Mrs. Morson knows that students do not wear the proper uniform when she is not around. “ I don’t think that she is fair” and Dwayne also said that the “uniform policy should not even be apart of the demerit system”.

As a body the students of Constitution High School like this school and think that it is a good school in a very good learning environment. The only problem the students have is that the uniform policy is not being applied fairly and certain students are being shown favoritism.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Poem-"What Do I Make"

I make clothes look good. I make shoes and bags look even better.
I make shooping my number one priority.
I make myself look good in or out of the house.
I make store managers formally introduce themselves and give me the best of the best.
I make my own style like it or not.
I make me the person you wish to be.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Have you ever looked in the mirror and hated something about yourself? Has someone ever told you that you were ugly and that you would never be anything? Well, the poem titled "For Poets" by Al Young is an inspirational poem that talks about the main focus in this poem which is "STAY BEAUTIFUL". This poem was very engaging and it makes the reader not want to put the book down. The message of this poem was to "stay beautiful" and don't let people break me down no mater what happens, which was a very strong, clear, and powerful statement. And the personal connection that this poem has is that it relates to self, and it reminds me to stay beautiful and don't let anyone break me down. So the next time someone tells you that you are ugly and that you would never be anything just remember Al Young and his message to "stay beautiful".

My first reason why I picked "For Poets" by Al Young is because of the fact that it is a very deep and engaging poem. "For Poets" had a great hook and the title had many meanings. The hook of this poem was to "stay Beautiful". Starting with that makes the reader want to read more and find out why they need to stay beautiful.

In addition the second reason why I picked this poem is because it sends out a message and it even has some sort of moral and theme. The first message was to "stay beautiful" and don't let people break you down. Another message was to inspire others with poetry, and the final message was don't be shy and confront your fears. Al Young reminds us that we must "knock out mountains, commune with snakes, and be the hero of birds". Which means follow your dreams, be the best you can be, be number 1 and stay on top.

Finally this poem has also had a personal connection. My personal connection that this poem had is that it relates to self and it tells you to be yourself and nobody else. Next, the message that was given was to be the the best you can be. In this message the poet reminds us " don't stay underground to long" and "don't forget to fly", which means if you fall in life then don't stay down to long, just get back up and fly to the top in life. This poem sends out several messages to many different readers and I think that it is a great poem.

These three reason are why I think that Al Young sends out a message that is inspirational to people who have low self esteem and do not believe in themselves. I think that Al Young is a great poet and his poem "For Poets" is a great one.

Monday, January 26, 2009

NHD reflection

I think that NHD was stressful but not as stressful as it was last year, maybe because I did not wait until the last minute to do everything.  I am glad it is over and I think that the workshops could have been longer and more organized like it was when I was in the 9th grade. What worked for me was that I was able to get a lot of information on my project which was on Muhammad Ali and what did not work for me was the fact that the papers did not have as much help as all of the other people in the other categories. What did not work for me was the time management and the lack of help. I think that if had just a little bit more help I would have gone to the next round of the competition but there is always next time and I am just so happy it is over. I picked Muhammad Ali because he was a person that nobody was talking about and he just seemed really interesting to learn more about. Muhammad Ali was more than just a boxer if you read more information about him. He was involved with the Vietnam War and a lot of information that I did not know about. Next year I think I am going to do another project type which would be easier on me and I could get more help on.