Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Should Parents Be Allowed To Hit Their Children??

Should parents be allowed to hit their children? Why? I think parents should be able to hit their children but their should be a limit to how you hit them and what you hit them with. Three reasons why parents should be allowed to hit their children is to show discipline/ control, limitations on how far you should go, and to show who is boss.

My first reason why I think parents should hit their children because of control. When parents use control they show who is boss. Also it keeps them out of trouble.

My second reason why parents should hit their children but I do not think you should go past the hitting with the hand and the belt. I think if you go further than that, then that is abuse.

My last reason why you should beat your kids because you should not be able to go to far with hurting your child. Such as a bat/ stick, and a cord. In a book that I am reading “Huckleberry Finn”. Jim’s father hits him and cursed at him, which was to me on the boarder line of beating you child vs. abusing your child.

In conclusion this is why I think parents should be able to beat their children because it is to show who is boss and it show discipline.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Do You Think Huck Finn Should Be In CHS????

Do you think Huck Finn should be taught in CHS? I don’t think Huck Finn should be taught in CHS for three reasons. Three reasons why I think Huck Finn should not be taught in CHS because he is very disrespectful and has no home training. He uses poor language, and he sets and bad example.

Huck Finn is a very disrespectful boy who has no home training. Huck Finn smokes, drinks, sneaks out of the house, and does what he wants when he wants. For example in the book, Miss Watson who was a character in the story Huckleberry Finn who was a foster parent of Huck Finn had to keep saying “don’t put your feet up there Huckleberry”, “Don’t scrunch up like that Huckleberry-set up straight”, “and don’t gap and stretch like that”. Miss Watson had to keep repeating herself as if Huck Finn was a child.

Another reason why Huck Finn should not be taught at CHS is because of his language. In this book there is a lot of usage of the “N” word. For example “By and by they fetched the nigger in and had players”.

My last reason why Huck Finn should not be taught in CHs is because this book sets a bad example. This book deals with a lot of bad language. One example from he story is in one chapter of the book it says” Niggers would come from all around there and give Jim anything.

In conclusion, this is why I think that Huck Finn should not be taught in CHS because of the fact that he is disrespectful, has poor language, and sets a very bad example for CHS students. After reading my reading my essay do you still think that Huck Finn should be taught in CHS? Why?