Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Philosophy of Government 2

Based on the simulations I think freedom is more important than security. In the ideal society I wanted the ichip to be banned because I believe that ichips should not be placed in anyone’s head. I believe that is a violation of someone’s privacy. The Constitution does/effectively balance freedom of individuals with security of the individuals because during the ideal Society tracking Americans was made illegal, A bill was passed that banned the ichip, and citizens was protesting.

Tracking Americans was made illegal because that is a violation of someone’s privacy. The powers that are described in the Constitution are in the Fourth Amendment. To achieve the goal, actions was taken and a bill was written stating that “thou shall not be able to create a mechanical device to track or listen to anyone’s thoughts. If anyone would like to get this ichip it will be at there own risk of their privacy being invaded and that apple can only use the ichip for accessing computers and any other mechanical device”. The president agreed with Congress and signed the bill into law.

A bill was passed that banned the ichip. A Power that was described in the Constitution was Article 1. To achieve the goal the actions taken was that the President did not implement law, and a press conference was called. The President signs the bill.

Citizens were protesting that the ichip should be banned. To achieve the goal the actions taken was the ichip was no longer used as a tracking device. The Tracking device was completely turned off by the Apple Co. The bill went through congress and the President signed the bill.

The Constitution was effectively protect individual liberties because during the ideal Society tracking Americans was made illegal, Bill was passed that banned the ichip, and citizens was protesting.

1 comment:

K'la said...

I really like your opening and yor key points are good and restated. GOOD JOB