Thursday, April 30, 2009

Of Mice and Men- Beyond the line

Do you think mentally challenged people such as Lenny had the same opportunities like they have today? Why?

No, I don't think that mentally challenged/disabled people such as Lenny had the same opportunities like the challenged people today. Lenny was a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, draping his feet a little, they sometimes even dragged like a bear draping his paws. Lenny had a also had the mind set of a small child but back then there was not much if anything he could do about his condition, he basically had to live with what was given to him.

Today mentally challenged people have a chance of living a "normal life". In this day and time mentally challenged have many different opportunities. There are different medicines, new technology and equipment, job opportunities, cures for almost anything and even studies that have been performed on why people are the way they are.

Back in the early 190's there was not any of the equipment we have today for the mentally challenged people. Today people are treated with illnesses fairly and they are treated with respect, and they are even treated like they are one of us which they are but they are just different in certain ways. In the book Of Mice And Men Lenny had to work and fend for himself but today people have programs to help them with there condition, and some of them get monthly checks because of the illness that they are dealing with and they cannot work.

Lenny represents children in this book, he has the mindset of a 5 or 6 year old so how would you expect a "child" to work under the condition he is faced with? Even though they want to be treated normal, certain stuff they are just not capable of doing.

These are some of the reason why I think that mentally challenged people such as Lenny did not have the same opportunities that people have today.

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